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Travel Episodes

April 22, 2020

EP 28: Crown of The British Empire & Land of Five Rivers ft Gajinder Singh

Gajinder Singh is an internationally renowned architect based in New York. Gajinder takes us to Colonial India, WWII, before, during, and after the Partition of India, working and living in '60s England, M.I.T in '60s, 9/11, and why Sikhism is a big part...
Feb. 19, 2020

EP 20: It's Football or Soccer ft Azam Ayub & Mark Butler

Welcome to the 20th episode. I decided to try something unique and get a panel to have a chat around the largest sport in the immigrant community, which is football, also known as soccer to many. Two friends of the podcast in returning guests, Azam Ayub ...
Feb. 12, 2020

EP 19: Forgive For Yourself ft Kari Carter & Karrel Huggins

Heads Up: There's some talk of trauma and abuse during this episode! We have a returning guest in Karrel, and she is not alone this time, her sister Kari Carter is in the house as we return to the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Kari made me laugh so much...
Jan. 29, 2020

EP 18: Life Overseas as a Marine ft Daniel Perez & Ephraim Agbenor

On my way to the studio, I got the news that basketball great Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gianna, her teammate, her family, coaches, and pilot, had lost their lives in a crash. Kobe, during the early years of his life, got to experience life ove...
Jan. 22, 2020

EP 17: NY is Your Best-friend (weird but you love it) ft Isra Elsalihie

Isra Elsalihie is a dropper of GEMS! If you are an actor interested in coming over to break into the acting world, this episode is for you. Isra Elsalihie is the first actress to be a guest on our podcast. The talented and future award-winning actress ed...
Jan. 15, 2020

EP 16: Radio, Music, & Sack of Beans ft Matthias Roeckl

Matthias Roeckl is an award-winning freelance correspondent journalist, who also produces podcasts such as Funny Feelings, Puls, Host, and producer of Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany's most significant public tv and Radio station based in Munich). Matthias...
Jan. 3, 2020

EP 14: Meet Your Host ft Raphael Harry

Welcome to a New Year and what better way to kickstart 2020 than with myself as your guest. In this episode, Julienne B Ryan takes over as the host and helps to bring more of my story to the audience. Julienne works with individuals and group clients and...
Guest: Raphael Harry
Nov. 28, 2019

EP 10: Legacy & Neighbors ft Ernest Bhabor

Ernest Bhabor is an author and filmmaker who lives in New York. He writes unique, everyday real-life stories. He sheds light on relevant topics with his books, which capture the stories of the common man. Ernest is an avid reader, writer, and connoisseur...
Guest: Ernest Bhabor
Nov. 15, 2019

EP 8: Be More Acceptable to New Things featuring Wenbei

*Apologies, I named the director of OKJA as the same that for Old Boy, that was a mistake. Both movies were by different directors (not Spike Lee I'm talking about the South Korean directors).* In this episode, Wenbei shall be taking us on a visit to Wen...
Guest: Wenbei
Nov. 13, 2019

EP 7: Navy Discipline & Culture Shock Galore ft Amaechi Ben Nwajei

Due to some technical difficulties along with matching in the veteran's day parade yesterday, I couldn't release this episode earlier as planned.  We get to meet Amaechi Nwajei, an enlisted officer and shipmate of mine in the United States Navy born in L...
Oct. 25, 2019

EP 4: Red Sky & Pan African Cuisine ft Linda Adria Moscovitz

NYT featured Linda was born and raised in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a city that's right by the border with Rwanda. Linda would begin her food enterprise while at college, where she was a biology major. She always had an interest in entr...