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Parenting Episodes

Oct. 7, 2020

EP 50: Don‘t Be A Lady Be A Legend ft Verena Thoene

We are back for a new season, what better way to kick it off and launch our 50th episode than to have the Mrs in the studio. In fact, two of my favorite people in the world were in the studio for this episode and it's a moment that I shall always cherish...
Guest: Verena Thoene
Feb. 12, 2020

EP 19: Forgive For Yourself ft Kari Carter & Karrel Huggins

Heads Up: There's some talk of trauma and abuse during this episode! We have a returning guest in Karrel, and she is not alone this time, her sister Kari Carter is in the house as we return to the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Kari made me laugh so much...
Jan. 15, 2020

EP 16: Radio, Music, & Sack of Beans ft Matthias Roeckl

Matthias Roeckl is an award-winning freelance correspondent journalist, who also produces podcasts such as Funny Feelings, Puls, Host, and producer of Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany's most significant public tv and Radio station based in Munich). Matthias...