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New Immigrant Stories Episodes

Sept. 15, 2021

EP 93: You Could Build Your Own Village ft Moji Solar-Wilson

Moji Solar-Wilson is an LGBTQIA+ advocate, certified inclusion & diversity specialist, certified life coach, real estate investor, and co-founder of Solar-Wilson Village. A private and cooperate events venue giving you a tast...
Sept. 8, 2021

EP 92 : Any Point In Time We Can Be Disabled ft Dr. Olufemi Adigun

Come meet my classmate from secondary school days in Ibadan (high school). Dr. Adigun is based in South Africa teaching at the University of Durban. Dr. Adigun is a man with a zeal for research and development geared toward t...
Sept. 1, 2021

EP 91: Everything Makes You ft Busingye Matsiko-Andan aka Busie

Welcome to September, come visit South, East, and West Africa in this episode along with NYC in our conversation. Busingye Matsiko-Andan is an Entrepreneur, a Global Strategist at Pont Global, Executive Director at the Africa...
Aug. 4, 2021

EP 88 : A Place Where Your Leg Sinks Into The Mud ft Rodney Jehu-Appiah

Rodney Jehu-Appiah may have been raised in a country that I have links to, however, his ancestral ties go beyond West Africa and into three continents. Plus he is now in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, so dig in and find out abo...
May 19, 2021

EP 77: Wellness Is Accessible to You ft Tawanda Asamaowei "The Namaste Bae"

Tawanda Asamaowei is one of the coolest women in my family and I am super proud to call her my cousin. Come meet the only Tawanda Asamaowei in the world as we dive into her immigrant story that begins in Northeast USA with sprinkles of Nigeria and Zimbab...
April 29, 2021

EP 74: Kenyan Plug American Story ft Shiro

I did not endorse Danko the former governor of Nairobi in this episode. Shiro is a sister of this podcast and mine. A woman with an amazing story that takes off in Nakuru, and is a version of the American story that is without a doubt the main reason for...
Guest: Shiro
March 17, 2021

EP 70: Passion Will Give You Authenticity ft Sarah Haruna Moda

It's an honor to have a woman who I have known since my virgin days on the internet who has always been an inspiration along with an example for friendship, motherhood, boss levels, philanthropy, and all-around awesomeness as the guest for this episode. ...
Guest: Sarah H Moda
Dec. 30, 2020

EP 60: Positivity with the Bantu Boyz ft Bileko Wissa & Julien Tshikuna

This year I have been fortunate to have a few comedians amongst the guests on the podcast. It felt right to wrap up the year 2020 with not one but two of my favorite friends of the podcast in the studio (remotely) to take us through Congo, Belgium, Franc...
Dec. 2, 2020

EP 58: Mamadou et Bineta + Handling a Career in Media & Nursing ft Nathalie Beasnael

Nathalie is taking Black Girl Magic to a new level. Nathalie's impact on both the medical and media spaces has impacted lives across many countries, cities, and continents. She tells you that she is small in size, however, she is tall in strides. The ene...
Oct. 7, 2020

EP 50: Don‘t Be A Lady Be A Legend ft Verena Thoene

We are back for a new season, what better way to kick it off and launch our 50th episode than to have the Mrs in the studio. In fact, two of my favorite people in the world were in the studio for this episode and it's a moment that I shall always cherish...
Guest: Verena Thoene
April 22, 2020

EP 28: Crown of The British Empire & Land of Five Rivers ft Gajinder Singh

Gajinder Singh is an internationally renowned architect based in New York. Gajinder takes us to Colonial India, WWII, before, during, and after the Partition of India, working and living in '60s England, M.I.T in '60s, 9/11, and why Sikhism is a big part...
March 4, 2020

EP 21: Working for Yourself ft Linda Adria Moscovitz

It's always fantastic to have Linda Adria Sebasiho join us in the studio. For this episode, we dived into the world of entrepreneurship and dating based on Linda's experience. From influences on Linda to the contradictory nature of how African women are ...
Feb. 12, 2020

EP 19: Forgive For Yourself ft Kari Carter & Karrel Huggins

Heads Up: There's some talk of trauma and abuse during this episode! We have a returning guest in Karrel, and she is not alone this time, her sister Kari Carter is in the house as we return to the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Kari made me laugh so much...
Jan. 15, 2020

EP 16: Radio, Music, & Sack of Beans ft Matthias Roeckl

Matthias Roeckl is an award-winning freelance correspondent journalist, who also produces podcasts such as Funny Feelings, Puls, Host, and producer of Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany's most significant public tv and Radio station based in Munich). Matthias...
Jan. 8, 2020

EP 15: What is Death & The World is a Supply Chain ft Brian Laung Aoaeh

I was mad late to the recording as everything from Uber, and the cold weather conspired against me. Brian had a field day (deservedly so), reminding me of my lateness.  Our guest today has been a longtime target of the podcast, Brian Laung Aoaeh overcame...