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Community Episodes

Sept. 29, 2021

EP 95 : Someone Who Plays Strings ft Nalasi Mendy

I have known today's guest for close to a decade back when I lived in Texas. Nalasi Mendy always struck me as a simple yet fun-loving gentleman whom I could crack jokes with but I never dug into his background. After I left T...
Guest: Nalasi Mendy
Sept. 22, 2021

EP 94: Let‘s Live & Not Just Exist ft Rasheed Ojerinde

If you aren't following Progressive Migrant on Instagram, you are missing out on a lot! I start most of my mornings with the affirmation statements from Rasheed. Rasheed Ojerinde LMHC, LMFT, is a dedicated bicultural millen...
Sept. 8, 2021

EP 92 : Any Point In Time We Can Be Disabled ft Dr. Olufemi Adigun

Come meet my classmate from secondary school days in Ibadan (high school). Dr. Adigun is based in South Africa teaching at the University of Durban. Dr. Adigun is a man with a zeal for research and development geared toward t...
Oct. 7, 2020

EP 50: Don‘t Be A Lady Be A Legend ft Verena Thoene

We are back for a new season, what better way to kick it off and launch our 50th episode than to have the Mrs in the studio. In fact, two of my favorite people in the world were in the studio for this episode and it's a moment that I shall always cherish...
Guest: Verena Thoene
Jan. 29, 2020

EP 18: Life Overseas as a Marine ft Daniel Perez & Ephraim Agbenor

On my way to the studio, I got the news that basketball great Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gianna, her teammate, her family, coaches, and pilot, had lost their lives in a crash. Kobe, during the early years of his life, got to experience life ove...
Nov. 28, 2019

EP 10: Legacy & Neighbors ft Ernest Bhabor

Ernest Bhabor is an author and filmmaker who lives in New York. He writes unique, everyday real-life stories. He sheds light on relevant topics with his books, which capture the stories of the common man. Ernest is an avid reader, writer, and connoisseur...
Guest: Ernest Bhabor
Nov. 13, 2019

EP 7: Navy Discipline & Culture Shock Galore ft Amaechi Ben Nwajei

Due to some technical difficulties along with matching in the veteran's day parade yesterday, I couldn't release this episode earlier as planned.  We get to meet Amaechi Nwajei, an enlisted officer and shipmate of mine in the United States Navy born in L...