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Black History Month Episodes

Oct. 20, 2021

EP 99: Black History Is Global History ft Fayida Jailler

Fayida Jailler is without a doubt one of my favorite people of 2021. Fayida is a YouTuber, educator, activist, linguist, and travel curator. Fayida's channel "Freedom is Mine" is fun and informative content about the African ...
Sept. 29, 2021

EP 95 : Someone Who Plays Strings ft Nalasi Mendy

I have known today's guest for close to a decade back when I lived in Texas. Nalasi Mendy always struck me as a simple yet fun-loving gentleman whom I could crack jokes with but I never dug into his background. After I left T...
Guest: Nalasi Mendy
Sept. 22, 2021

EP 94: Let‘s Live & Not Just Exist ft Rasheed Ojerinde

If you aren't following Progressive Migrant on Instagram, you are missing out on a lot! I start most of my mornings with the affirmation statements from Rasheed. Rasheed Ojerinde LMHC, LMFT, is a dedicated bicultural millen...
Aug. 4, 2021

EP 88 : A Place Where Your Leg Sinks Into The Mud ft Rodney Jehu-Appiah

Rodney Jehu-Appiah may have been raised in a country that I have links to, however, his ancestral ties go beyond West Africa and into three continents. Plus he is now in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, so dig in and find out abo...
May 19, 2021

EP 77: Wellness Is Accessible to You ft Tawanda Asamaowei "The Namaste Bae"

Tawanda Asamaowei is one of the coolest women in my family and I am super proud to call her my cousin. Come meet the only Tawanda Asamaowei in the world as we dive into her immigrant story that begins in Northeast USA with sprinkles of Nigeria and Zimbab...
March 17, 2021

EP 70: Passion Will Give You Authenticity ft Sarah Haruna Moda

It's an honor to have a woman who I have known since my virgin days on the internet who has always been an inspiration along with an example for friendship, motherhood, boss levels, philanthropy, and all-around awesomeness as the guest for this episode. ...
Guest: Sarah H Moda
Dec. 2, 2020

EP 58: Mamadou et Bineta + Handling a Career in Media & Nursing ft Nathalie Beasnael

Nathalie is taking Black Girl Magic to a new level. Nathalie's impact on both the medical and media spaces has impacted lives across many countries, cities, and continents. She tells you that she is small in size, however, she is tall in strides. The ene...
July 22, 2020

EP 41: Meeting Common Sense & Strength in Intentionality ft Jean C Romulus

There is something about this episode's guest that when you come in contact with him, your life is never the same. He changes it for good. That's one of the reasons why I had to get Jean C Romulus on the podcast. Jean brings his journey through life lead...
March 4, 2020

EP 21: Working for Yourself ft Linda Adria Moscovitz

It's always fantastic to have Linda Adria Sebasiho join us in the studio. For this episode, we dived into the world of entrepreneurship and dating based on Linda's experience. From influences on Linda to the contradictory nature of how African women are ...
Feb. 12, 2020

EP 19: Forgive For Yourself ft Kari Carter & Karrel Huggins

Heads Up: There's some talk of trauma and abuse during this episode! We have a returning guest in Karrel, and she is not alone this time, her sister Kari Carter is in the house as we return to the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Kari made me laugh so much...
Jan. 8, 2020

EP 15: What is Death & The World is a Supply Chain ft Brian Laung Aoaeh

I was mad late to the recording as everything from Uber, and the cold weather conspired against me. Brian had a field day (deservedly so), reminding me of my lateness.  Our guest today has been a longtime target of the podcast, Brian Laung Aoaeh overcame...
Jan. 3, 2020

EP 14: Meet Your Host ft Raphael Harry

Welcome to a New Year and what better way to kickstart 2020 than with myself as your guest. In this episode, Julienne B Ryan takes over as the host and helps to bring more of my story to the audience. Julienne works with individuals and group clients and...
Guest: Raphael Harry
Dec. 20, 2019

EP 13: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes ft Amina Marong

Welcome to our Christmas episode, and thank you for being there all of this journey. I shall be taking a break until the first weekend of January 2020 after today's episode. In this episode, we get to meet the fabulous Amina Marong, who was born in Banju...
Guest: Amina Marong
Dec. 6, 2019

EP 11: Team Jamaica vs Team USA ft Alun Gilpin

Alun Gilpin is a multi-talented gent, father, student, and Navy veteran who was born in Kingston, Jamaica. Alun loves his sports, from soccer, basketball, athletics, NFL, cricket, to dancing. An avid music lover too.  Alun takes us on a journey full of l...