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Personal Stories Episodes

Oct. 23, 2024

Ep 188 : From Pirate Ships to Playgrounds ft Klara Harry

In this heartwarming 6th anniversary episode, we celebrate six incredible years of our podcast with an extraordinary guest my six-year-old daughter! Join us as she shares delightful stories about her recent birthday, her favorite movies, and the sports she loves watching at the Olympics, like gymna…
Sept. 11, 2024

Ep 184: Navigating Multilingual Worlds and Career Paths ft Claire Murigande

today we have the privilege of featuring Dr. Claire Murigande, a brilliant and multifaceted individual with a truly global perspective. Dr. Murigande, originally from Burundi and raised in Kenya, now resides in Switzerland, b...
Dec. 20, 2023

Ep 168: Cheers to 2023 ’A Gratitude-Filled Wrap-Up’ ft Raphael Harry

Raphael Harry wraps up the year with a personal reflection on gratitude. He expresses deep appreciation for the diverse array of guests who have shared their stories on the podcast. Reflecting on listener feedback, he notes a...
Guest: Raphael Harry