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New York City Episodes

July 3, 2024

Ep 177: You Have to Have a Mind That Sees The Whole Picture, Not Just One ft Vlad Margarit

Join us as we explore Vlad’s captivating story, tracing his revolutionary beginnings in Romania, introspective days in Bermuda, and vibrant life in New York City. Born in Bucharest, Vlad’s childhood was painted with outdoor e...
Guest: Vlad Margarit
May 29, 2024

Ep 172 : From Igbo Culture to AI: An Artistic Perspective ft Grace Nkem

I'm sorry for not releasing an episode last week. Remember Ep 169? It was related to that. I'm excited to release my first solo episode with Grace Nkem (who appeared in Ep 166 & 167). Grace discusses important topics such as ...
Guest: Grace
Nov. 29, 2023

Ep 166: A Triangulation ft Amir Bey, Grace Nkem, and Obinna Elechi

On our latest episode, we have a lineup of three incredible creatives: Amir Bey, Grace Nkem, and Obinna Elechi. They will captivate you with their inspiring stories, starting from their birth cities to their childhood memorie...
Nov. 15, 2023

Ep 164 -No-Degree Paths to Success: A Conversation with Jonaed Iqbal

I am thrilled to present the second part of my conversation with Jonaed Iqbal, the founder of NoDegree.com and NoDegree Podcast. Join us as we delve deeper into Jonaed's incredible journey from being the "good immigrant kid" ...
Guest: Jonaed iqbal
Nov. 8, 2023

Ep 163 - Immigrant Odyssey: Thriving in Unexpected Career Avenues ft Jonaed Iqbal

In this episode, titled "Immigrant Odyssey: Thriving in Unexpected Career Avenues", Raphael, engages in a dynamic conversation with guest Jonaed Iqbal, founder of Nodegree.com and the Nodegree podcast. Join us as we unpack th...
Guest: Jonaed iqbal
June 14, 2023

153: ”Prioritizing People Over Content” Hosted by Julienne B. Ryan

In this edition of White Label American, the reins of hosting are handed over to Julienne B. Ryan, the first guest host of the podcast. As a humorous speaker and inspirational storyteller, listeners can check out her book, Th...
May 31, 2023

152: Finding Love and Purpose in Unexpected Places ft Chris Teo & Genevieve Toh

On this episode of White Label American, host Raphael Harry talks with Genevieve and Chris Teo, two talented individuals who share their stories of growing up in Singapore and finding their passions in life. The conversation ...
Aug. 31, 2022

Ep 134: Earlier In The Pandemic Was When I Realized That This Was A Path For Me ft Zou Diallo

Zou Diallo is a digital media creator based in Brooklyn NY. You wouldn't be able to tell that this gentleman did not speak a word of English when he arrived in America. Zou's story is a beautiful American story and shows how ...
Guest: Zou Diallo
April 18, 2022

White Label American Trailer

A reintroduction for our new listeners and a refresher to our current listeners about who and what this podcast is about. Show your support by visiting https://www.whitelabelamerican.com you can leave feedback (audio or writt...
March 23, 2022

EP 117: Diversity In Brooklyn Makes Me Feel At Home ft Verena Thoene

As we continue to honor and celebrate women throughout this month of March. I decided to revisit one of the most popular episodes featuring my partner in crime and romance; Verena Thoene. Verena and I also have a daughter tog...
Guest: Verena Thoene
March 16, 2022

EP 116: NY Is Like My Hometown But Cranked 10x ft Isra Elsalihie

In honor of Women's History Month, I decided to bring back one of my favorites recorded just before the pandemic became global. This episode originally aired in January 2020. I learned so much from this amazing actor and fabu...
Feb. 12, 2020

EP 19: Forgive For Yourself ft Kari Carter & Karrel Huggins

Heads Up: There's some talk of trauma and abuse during this episode! We have a returning guest in Karrel, and she is not alone this time, her sister Kari Carter is in the house as we return to the beautiful Trinidad and Tobago. Kari made me laugh so much...
Jan. 29, 2020

EP 18: Life Overseas as a Marine ft Daniel Perez & Ephraim Agbenor

On my way to the studio, I got the news that basketball great Kobe Bryant, along with his daughter Gianna, her teammate, her family, coaches, and pilot, had lost their lives in a crash. Kobe, during the early years of his life, got to experience life ove...
Jan. 22, 2020

EP 17: NY is Your Best-friend (weird but you love it) ft Isra Elsalihie

Isra Elsalihie is a dropper of GEMS! If you are an actor interested in coming over to break into the acting world, this episode is for you. Isra Elsalihie is the first actress to be a guest on our podcast. The talented and future award-winning actress ed...
Jan. 15, 2020

EP 16: Radio, Music, & Sack of Beans ft Matthias Roeckl

Matthias Roeckl is an award-winning freelance correspondent journalist, who also produces podcasts such as Funny Feelings, Puls, Host, and producer of Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany's most significant public tv and Radio station based in Munich). Matthias...