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Movies Episodes

Oct. 23, 2024

Ep 188 : From Pirate Ships to Playgrounds ft Klara Harry

In this heartwarming 6th anniversary episode, we celebrate six incredible years of our podcast with an extraordinary guest my six-year-old daughter! Join us as she shares delightful stories about her recent birthday, her favorite movies, and the sports she loves watching at the Olympics, like gymna…
Nov. 22, 2023

Ep 165 : Thankful Hearts and TKOs ft Corey Gumbs and Mimi Jacks

On this special Thanksgiving episode of our podcast, we have the privilege of being joined by two incredible guests from Brooklyn and Queens. We are truly grateful for our amazing listeners who make this all possible. At this...
Feb. 23, 2022

EP 113: I Want To Bridge The Gap With The Diaspora ft Corey Gumbs

We wrap up Black History Month with the founder of the Black Podcasters Association Corey Gumbs. Corey walks us through amazing family history, high school, and so much more leading to the birth of The Black Podcasters Associ...
Guest: Corey Gumbs