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Military History Episodes

Aug. 24, 2022

Ep 133: Leadership Will Always Find You ft Steve Worthy

CEO of Worthy Retail U Steve Worthy, at one point in life, did not see the need in accepting the call to lead until one fateful day early in his Air Force days. Leadership always found him despite his attempts at avoiding it....
Guest: Steve Worthy
April 6, 2022

EP 119: You Can Use Critical Methods To Design Technology Better ft Ashwin Goutham Gopir

Before he became one of the co-founders of Rise Products, and a husband, dad, Brooklynite, Dravidian, Teacher, and so much more Ashwin Goutham Gopir had a beginning. We take one of the most exciting human journeys going way b...
Feb. 16, 2022

EP 112: It’s Impossible To Talk About American History Without Black History ft Shawn Connors

Shawn Connors is the creator, founder, & host of the '757 Renaissance Man' Podcast and 'LVAD Talks' He is also the brain behind the C4 Challenge that I'm currently participating in with the Content Creators of Colour Creative...
Guest: Shawn Connors
Oct. 21, 2020

EP 52: Latinnovating Pt2: Surround Yourself with People Who Want You to Succeed ft Graciela Tiscareno-Sato

The conclusion to our conversation with the amazing Graciela. We navigate her transitioning from the Air Force, creative process, and family. I am now applying some of the gems that I got in this episode. The creativity from Graciela isn't limited to her...
Oct. 14, 2020

EP 51 Latinnovating Pt 1: Showing The Magic That You Do ft Graciela Tiscareno-Sato

Part 1 with a history maker in the Air Force, CEO, award-winning author, bilingual keynote speaker, publisher, wife, and mother amongst many titles. Creator of "Latinovating" which is amongst my most favorite words. Graciela Tiscareno-Sato is one of thos...