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Military Family Episodes

Feb. 16, 2022

EP 112: It’s Impossible To Talk About American History Without Black History ft Shawn Connors

Shawn Connors is the creator, founder, & host of the '757 Renaissance Man' Podcast and 'LVAD Talks' He is also the brain behind the C4 Challenge that I'm currently participating in with the Content Creators of Colour Creative...
Guest: Shawn Connors
Nov. 24, 2021

EP 104 : There‘s No Deadline For Growth ft Denis Maronga the General Mutombo

Meet my able General, the one and hilarious Denis Maronga aka Fresh Prince of Africa. Denis is the host of the African Excellist Podcast, an event curator, thespian, producer, the founder of the Kicheko Project Foundation. De...
Oct. 13, 2021

EP 98: Stop Villainizing People Who Need Help ft Safi Lynch Wilson

We need people like Safi Lynch Wilson in our lives. Another favorite of mine on Instagram that I highly recommend to EVERYONE! Safi is a clinical social worker, therapist, military spouse, and mother. I love listening to Safi...
Jan. 3, 2020

EP 14: Meet Your Host ft Raphael Harry

Welcome to a New Year and what better way to kickstart 2020 than with myself as your guest. In this episode, Julienne B Ryan takes over as the host and helps to bring more of my story to the audience. Julienne works with individuals and group clients and...
Guest: Raphael Harry