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Ghana Episodes

June 5, 2024

Ep 173 : It's African Time ft Kwesi Foli

The month of June commences with a distinguished guest, Kwesi Foli, the host and founder of the African Time Podcast. Kwesi expounds on the embracing of dual identities, discovering cultural affinities, navigating his creativ...
Guest: Kwesi Foli
May 8, 2024

Ep 170 : Navigating Life’s Rhythms with My Mother ft Ms. Emelia Harry Akponwei

With Mother's Day being celebrated earlier in many parts of the world before the United States, I couldn't resist sharing one of my dream episodes - a recording with my incredible mother, Emelia Harry Akponwei. In this heartw...
Feb. 15, 2023

Ep 142: When The Muse Is Speaking To You To Create ft Rodney Jehu-Appiah

I'd like to take this moment to apologize for wrongly stating earlier that Christian Atsu, was among the survivors pulled out earlier in the earthquake in Turkiye during recording. Unfortunately, by the time of publishing, At...
Sept. 14, 2022

Ep 136: The Only Way That I’m Going To Heaven Is Via Spousal Visa ft Brian Laung Aoaeh, CFA

Supply chain tech and VC specialist Brian Laung Aoaeh, CFA returns for his long-awaited sequel to the laugh-filled first episode. So although we did get serious a few times while discussing the pandemic, laughter was never fa...
Jan. 12, 2022

EP 107: Do The Things That Make Life Worth Living ft Rodney Jehu-Appiah

The artist that took us to Navrongo is back to officially say goodbye to 2021 with a wrap-up of the entertainment that we enjoyed and what we are looking forward to in 2022. Rodney also throws his hat in the ring with the ong...
Sept. 1, 2021

EP 91: Everything Makes You ft Busingye Matsiko-Andan aka Busie

Welcome to September, come visit South, East, and West Africa in this episode along with NYC in our conversation. Busingye Matsiko-Andan is an Entrepreneur, a Global Strategist at Pont Global, Executive Director at the Africa...
Aug. 4, 2021

EP 88 : A Place Where Your Leg Sinks Into The Mud ft Rodney Jehu-Appiah

Rodney Jehu-Appiah may have been raised in a country that I have links to, however, his ancestral ties go beyond West Africa and into three continents. Plus he is now in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, so dig in and find out abo...
Dec. 2, 2020

EP 58: Mamadou et Bineta + Handling a Career in Media & Nursing ft Nathalie Beasnael

Nathalie is taking Black Girl Magic to a new level. Nathalie's impact on both the medical and media spaces has impacted lives across many countries, cities, and continents. She tells you that she is small in size, however, she is tall in strides. The ene...
July 22, 2020

EP 41: Meeting Common Sense & Strength in Intentionality ft Jean C Romulus

There is something about this episode's guest that when you come in contact with him, your life is never the same. He changes it for good. That's one of the reasons why I had to get Jean C Romulus on the podcast. Jean brings his journey through life lead...
Feb. 19, 2020

EP 20: It's Football or Soccer ft Azam Ayub & Mark Butler

Welcome to the 20th episode. I decided to try something unique and get a panel to have a chat around the largest sport in the immigrant community, which is football, also known as soccer to many. Two friends of the podcast in returning guests, Azam Ayub ...
Jan. 8, 2020

EP 15: What is Death & The World is a Supply Chain ft Brian Laung Aoaeh

I was mad late to the recording as everything from Uber, and the cold weather conspired against me. Brian had a field day (deservedly so), reminding me of my lateness.  Our guest today has been a longtime target of the podcast, Brian Laung Aoaeh overcame...
Nov. 8, 2019

EP 6: Be a Person of Solution ft Asif Haider

It's veterans day week, lots of immigrants have and are currently serving in the various military branches of the USA. There will be a bonus episode on Monday with someone from the Navy. Asif was born in Bangladesh, served in the Air Force after he compl...
Guest: Asif Haider