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Family Reunion Episodes

Dec. 4, 2024

Ep 192 : From Writing to Bartending: A Unique Blend of Passions ft Thomas Mathe

Tom Máthé is an introspective storyteller with roots in New Hampshire, Hungary and Transylvania, Tom is not just a writer; he's also a filmmaker, bartender, and educator. He shares a wealth of diverse experiences and insights, diving into his distinctive writing process and the challenges he faces.
Guest: Tom Máthé
May 8, 2024

Ep 170 : Navigating Life’s Rhythms with My Mother ft Ms. Emelia Harry Akponwei

With Mother's Day being celebrated earlier in many parts of the world before the United States, I couldn't resist sharing one of my dream episodes - a recording with my incredible mother, Emelia Harry Akponwei. In this heartw...
Nov. 22, 2023

Ep 165 : Thankful Hearts and TKOs ft Corey Gumbs and Mimi Jacks

On this special Thanksgiving episode of our podcast, we have the privilege of being joined by two incredible guests from Brooklyn and Queens. We are truly grateful for our amazing listeners who make this all possible. At this...
Nov. 1, 2023

Ep 162: Celebrating Global Blackness: An Afros & Audio Festival Testimony ft Corey Gumbs & Weyu Hodge

We kicking off November with a recap of our time in Baltimore at the 5th Afros and Audio Podcasting Festival. There's a question for you at the bottom. Corey and Weyu (and me too) had the opportunity to attend the 5th Afros &...