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Burna Boy Episodes

Nov. 24, 2021

EP 104 : There‘s No Deadline For Growth ft Denis Maronga the General Mutombo

Meet my able General, the one and hilarious Denis Maronga aka Fresh Prince of Africa. Denis is the host of the African Excellist Podcast, an event curator, thespian, producer, the founder of the Kicheko Project Foundation. De...
Oct. 6, 2021

Ep 96: We Need To Start Documenting Our Stories ft Siaji Otieno

The first time I heard Siaji Otieno aka The Kikombe speaking I was blown away as I knew without a doubt that I had to bring him on the podcast. Siaji has a voice made for airwaves, eyes that can capture the beauty at any angl...
Guest: Siaji Otieno
Nov. 8, 2019

EP 6: Be a Person of Solution ft Asif Haider

It's veterans day week, lots of immigrants have and are currently serving in the various military branches of the USA. There will be a bonus episode on Monday with someone from the Navy. Asif was born in Bangladesh, served in the Air Force after he compl...
Guest: Asif Haider